The Ohio Argus Array generates data in real-time. This data is analyzed, also in real-time, and each program decides whether or not the data was interesting enough to be saved. Not all of Argus's data could be saved, because Argus generates about 200 Gigabytes of data per day.

The Argus data analysis programs can look at data in several different ways, but basically the system looks at data either in the "broadband" or "narrowband" realms, and either in the short-term or long-term realms.

Real-time data for the last hour (updates automatically once per minute):

Long-term broadband (10-seconds of data, 60 kHz bandwidth): MXE_argus data

Short-term broadband (0.001-seconds of data, 60 kHz bandwidth): TXE_argus data

Medium-term narrowband (0.2-seconds of data, 5 Hz bandwidth): FXE_argus data

Power in each element (0.2-seconds of data, 60 kHz bandwidth): power_argus data

Interference patterns (480-seconds of data, 60 kHz bandwidth): fringe data

Real-time data for the last 6 minutes (updates automatically once per minute):

Frequency spectrum waterfall (0.2-seconds of data, 144 Hz bandwidth per channel): Array waterfall

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